ADU stands for accessory dwelling unit, and it refers to secondary living spaces that can be added to a single-family residentially zoned lot. These structures can take on a number of forms, from small cottages in the backyard to basement apartments to units built over garages. No matter their size or form, however, an ADU is considered part of a single property and cannot be legally sold separately. In addition, the owner of a house with an ADU is also the owner of the ADU, meaning the homeowner must pay taxes on both units.

There are a number of benefits to adding an ADU to a home, including the potential to earn rental income and the ability to accommodate family members who may need assisted living space as they age. In addition, homes with ADUs tend to sell faster and for higher prices than similar properties without them. Also read

One of the biggest challenges associated with creating an ADU, though, can be navigating local laws and regulations. Individual municipalities have different rules about how close an ADU can be to the main home, whether or not homeowners need permits and other details. The rules vary from city to city, so it’s important to check local regulations carefully before starting construction.

If you plan to build an ADU on your property, it’s also crucial to plan ahead and budget for the project. This includes not only the cost of building the ADU, but also any permit fees and ongoing maintenance costs. Depending on your situation, you may choose to finance the construction of your ADU through a home equity line of credit, a cash-out refinance or another option.

Some homeowners choose to partner with family and friends during the construction of their ADU. This can help with financing and can add a level of commitment and accountability to the project that may be beneficial. In addition, it can be helpful to bring on experienced builders and contractors as partners during the construction process.

Before committing to the construction of an ADU, it’s important to consider how it might affect your home’s value in the future. A well-planned ADU can increase a property’s value, but it’s also important to think about how an ADU might impact the curb appeal of your home.

Before deciding to purchase a home with an ADU, it’s wise to have a real estate agent pull property tax records to see how much the property has increased in value since the construction of the ADU. This can help you determine if the added value is worth the additional costs that come with owning such a property. An agent can also provide more information about the types of ADUs available in your area and the local market conditions for this type of property. An experienced real estate professional can also offer insight into potential zoning and permit requirements for your specific community.